School Life

Campus Ministry

Maryknoll School Campus Ministry seeks to engage a diverse community in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Welcome to Campus Ministry

At Maryknoll School, Campus Ministry and Religion are at the heart of who we are. Our Catholic faith permeates all aspects of our studies and activities. Through a variety of liturgies, retreats, and service opportunities, we strive to imitate Jesus in our daily lives. We invite you to explore the myriad ways we provide faith experiences for everyone.
OFFICE HOURS: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
PHONE: (808) 952-7380
FAX: (808) 952-7381


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  • Local Outreach

    Throughout the year, there are various avenues for students to give their time and efforts to those in the community who need it the most. Here are some suggested resources for finding volunteer opportunities in the community:
  • Mission Trips

    Each year, students and faculty have the opportunity to be missioners in a developing country where the Maryknoll Religious have worked or are currently working.

  • Retreat Leadership

    Those called to serve the grade level retreats share and grow their faith experience while leading others to do the same.


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  • Mass Themes Celebrated

    • Anniversary Mass
    • Founders Day Mass
    • Ash Wednesday Mass
    • Easter Season Mass
    • Aloha Mass
    • Baccalaureate Mass
  • Prayer Service

    Many of the prayer services on campus are integrated with Maryknoll’s curriculum and activities. From class prayers in the Church to all-school prayer services in the Maryknoll Community Center, we find creativity in how we pray and worship. Here are some of the events recognized:
    • Veterans Prayer Service
    • Thanksgiving Day Prayer Service
    • Holy Thursday Prayer Service


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  • Music Ministry

    Students with musical abilities are encouraged to share their talents in providing music for all of our liturgical and para-liturgical celebrations.
  • Praise and Worship

    Praise and Worship celebrations afford the community an opportunity to pray with our voices, hearts, and bodies. It is an upbeat and energetic prayer experience that ranges from traditional Christian praise music to Christian hip-hop.
  • Spiritual Direction

    We provide an opportunity for individuals to reflect deeply on the experiences of their daily lives. Through this process they are encouraged to draw closer to God and realize how God is truly with them every day.


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  • Grade 6 Day of Recollection: Light of Christ

    Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father. —Matthew 5:16

    Sixth graders are introduced to the qualities of Jesus that we are called to share with others in building community.
  • Grade 7 Day of Recollection: Gifts

    God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female* he created them. —Genesis 1:27

    Seventh graders spend the day uncovering their God-given gifts. It is a time to realize and acknowledge the blessing and uniqueness of our lives.
  • Grade 8 AGAPE Retreat

    They devoted themselves to the teaching of the Apostles and to communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers. They ate their meals together with exultation and sincerity of heart, praising God and enjoying favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. Acts 2:42, 46-47

    With Christ at the center of this community, high school students attend a 3 day weekend retreat in preparation to facilitate a peer mentored grade 8 retreat. The Almighty God and People Encounter (AGAPE) focuses on communal life with Jesus at the head of every community. Beginning with the smallest community in society, the family, students discover their responsibilities as Christians in every aspect of life. Once discovered, students are then encouraged to make worthy moral and ethical contributions to every community they are involved with.
  • Freshman Day of Recollection: New Beginnings

    Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you. —Jeremiah 1:5

    In this new journey to self-discovery Freshmen are led to explore, and use as tools, their God-given talents.
  • Sophomore Day of Recollection: Joy of Serving Others

    And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ —Matthew 25:40

    This retreat calls each Sophomore to look beyond oneself to discover the joy of serving others.
  • Junior Day of Recollection: Taking Responsibility

    Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more. —Luke 12:48

    As upperclassmen, Juniors are encouraged to take leadership roles at school, home, and in the larger community.
  • Senior Day of Recollection: Transitions

    When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things. —1 Corinthians 13:11

    Seniors prepare to transition from carefree adolescent lives to responsible young adults as they move to college and beyond.
  • LIFE TEEN Retreat for Juniors and Seniors*

    This retreat allows seniors to unfold the value of Christian faith as it is lived and experienced in community. It gives them an opportunity to look within themselves and find their true worth. They will observe how this worth is reinforced in their relationships with God, their parents and their neighbors.

    *This is an optional four day retreat.
  • LIFE*

    Marianist LIFE (Living In Faith Experience) is a national faith formation program for high school students rooted in Catholic and Marianist tradition. Based on the founder’s vision for building a community of communities to change the world, Marianist LIFE provides Marianist and non-Marianist institutions opportunities for communities of faith to form, grow, and flourish.

    *Students apply to be on the LIFE Team. It is a six day retreat in Occidental, CA.
  • Maryknoll Staff & Personnel Retreat

    The Administration, Faculty and Staff gather semi-annually for retreat. The themes for the day have ranged from discipleship to reflecting on our Catholic Identity. Strengthening our own faith is important in our work of guiding students in their faith lives.
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