
Welcome Home, Spartans!

The Maryknoll School Alumni Association provides an important link between our diverse and accomplished alumni and their former classmates, teachers, and the school in general. Comprised of a dedicated group of volunteers, the Association not only circulates news and information about the school but also plans and executes events throughout the year with the goal of establishing new connections and fostering old ones.

Please explore this section to learn more about the Maryknoll School Alumni Association and how you can get involved with the school.

Purpose of Organization

The purpose of the Maryknoll Alumni Association (MAA) is to advance and contribute to the interests of Maryknoll School and its welfare. The MAA offers educational, social, and cultural programs, including community activities and special projects, to promote and foster a spirit of Spartan fellowship and goodwill.


All former students of Maryknoll School shall be members of the Association (non-graduates will become members once their class has graduated). Honorary membership may be proposed by any member of the Association and conferred by a majority vote of the Alumni Council.


The officers of the Association consist of a President, Vice President, and Secretary. The Council consists of no more than 20 members, including the officers, the immediate past President, the Director of Development, and one alumni-at-large representative from each class decade beginning with the 1930s.

1526 Alexander St.
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: 808.952.8400