National Catholic Schools Week 2024

Maryknoll School
National Catholic Schools Week is a time to recognize and celebrate the exceptional role that Catholic schools play in providing quality education, fostering spiritual growth, and promoting community engagement. This year's theme, Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community, underscores the distinctive mission of Catholic schools in nurturing students academically and spiritually.
For grades Pre-K to 5, each day, we honor the values that bring us together, from showing our vibrant faith with colorful socks on 'Sock it to Sin' Monday to expressing our gratitude on Thursday. There's a unique theme every day to showcase the unity and vibrancy of our Maryknoll community, so let's dance, shine bright, and be grateful together!
Monday, January 29
SOCK IT TO SIN: Students wear colorful socks with their uniforms.
Tuesday, January 30DANCE FOR THE LORD: Worship songs will be played in the classrooms over the PA system at 8:10am & 2:00pm. The school community will be dancing for the Lord.
Wednesday, January 31SHINE BRIGHT LIKE CHRIST'S LIGHT: Students wear bright colors/neon following Spirit Dress guidelines.
Thursday, February 1
  1. Students wear Spartan Pride Dress

  2. Write a note or draw a picture of appreciation to their parents for sending them to Maryknoll.

  3. Enjoy a treat from the school.
Friday, February 2NO SCHOOL: Students do not have school. Teachers will attend the Annual Conference for Catholic Education (ACCE).

For our middle & high school campus, please refer to the emails from your campus ministry team. Please contact for any inquiries.
1526 Alexander St.
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: 808.952.8400